
Quick Mobile Bio: Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures

One of the blogs I read every day is A VC: A Market Dichotomy authored by Fred Wilson, Managing Partner of Flatiron Partners and Union Square Ventures.

[Side note: Flatiron invested in FusionOne which I used for years and absolutely loved!  It was a super service which synched your data, Outlook contacts, email, calendar and so on across multiple computers.]

If you haven’t checked out Fred’s blog before, I thoroughly suggest you add it to your blog roll, particularly if you’ve any interest in the Internet and mobile investment space.  Fred regularly gets you directly into the mind and perspective of not only a top level venture capitalist, but an acknowledged interactive industry expert.  For example, I really liked his reaction to Lee Gomes on Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail.   Also, his VC Cliches are spot on (recent example) — I’ve heard or observed almost every single one of them.  I defy you to name me a 70-hour a week VC with such a public and eclectic taste in music too 😉

I wonder a lot about what phones people use.  It’s just a thing I do.  So, tonight I emailed Fred to see if he’d be able to take the time to do an ultra quick 3 question mobile-bio for the site.  Yes, came the answer!

Now, while my questions to most mobile-related people tend to exceed 10 or so (e.g. Sarah McVittie’s Q&A recently) they are a little bit involved for busy people not specifically interested in mobile.  Plus I didn’t want to divert people too much from their day to day activities — hence my shortened questions for Fred.  I hope to do more like this for other movers and shakers across the world.

So, here we go:

1. What was the make of your first phone?
First phone – Motorola flip phone (first one that came out).

2. What make is your current phone?
Blackberry 8700

3. What’s are the most used features on your current handset?

  • Email
  • Phone
  • Browser
  • Contacts
  • Calendar
  • Instant messaging

Very interesting Fred – thank you for taking the time to answer them! 

Let me know if you’ve any suggestions for other people who I should contact to complete a quick mobile bio.

Plus, coming tomorrow: Guy Kawasaki!