
MIR Show Week 42 featuring the iMovio iKit

Here, then, is the exclusive look at the all new iMovio iKit device. It’s intended as a mobile companion device to work alongside your average RAZR or Nokia S40 handset. The target market is very much teenagers and youth who aren’t in the market for an expensive smartphone, but who would like easy internet browsing, IM and email, without having to grapple with the on-device rubbish.

We also visit the Digital Winter event and catch some really, really funky mobile charging equipment (I really like the idea of having a £300 mobile powerstation wherever I am) and, amongst others, you can see the chaps literally lusting after the new Sennheiser bluetooth headset and base station.

Since James was abroad on business for SpinVox most of the week, we had to film without him, thus it falls to me to say:

Cue up MIR Show 42… and roll credits!

Topics discussed:
First: The Digital Winter Gadget Event ( 00:43 )
Steve of Contour talks about Contour Headset with Ben Smith ( 01:09 )
Vortex 16g microSD card ( 02:17 )
Jerry of Paltraveller, Charging Solutions ( 05:03 )
Power Chimp ( 05:25 )
Power Gorilla ( 08:21 )
Solar Gorilla ( 09:24 )
VMX100 Office Base Station ( 12:55 )
Sennheiser VMX 100 Bluetooth Headset ( 13:42 )
Keiron of ( 16:59 )
First Look! The iMovio iKit Mobile Companion, ( 17:29 )
-Dr Jack Torobin, CEO and Nigel Newby-House, Design Director of iMovio