Square is doing rather well in the States

If you’ve been tracking the developments of the M-Commerce arena, you’ll most probably have had an eye on Square, the mobile payments startup.
They’ve been doing rather well of late as this post from TechCrunch points out. It’s a useful primer that’ll bring you up to date.
I’m interested to understand what the team at Square have on their minds regarding Europe (and specifically, the UK) — since we’re more or less all using Chip-n-PIN solutions apart from very few exceptions, Square’s going to need to change quite a bit to expand internationally.
Over to TechCrunch…
For disruptive mobile payments startup Square, 2011 was a year of massive growth on many levels. The startup ended the year with over 1 million merchants using the mobile payments platform to accept credit cards there are only 8 million merchants who accept credit cards in the US.
via Square Expands Retail Partnerships; Now Sold At OfficeMax And UPS Store Locations | TechCrunch.