
$100 Samsung Android device rumoured next year

This whole Android marketplace is getting more and more exciting. Whilst I’ve been telling people to expect sub-$100 Android handsets from the Far Eastern bloc of original equipment manufacturers (e.g. the likes of Haier), news that Samsung might have a $100 Android device to market by next year… that’s potentially big. Very big.

Will this be $100 for the actual device?  Or $100 plus a 2-year contract?  That much is unclear.  But I’ll be sitting hoping that I can soon walk into Walgreens in San Francisco and buy a $89 Samsung Android handset PAYG.  That’ll be very interesting for the market dynamics.

The Reclaim’s configuration is not going to last, however. Casey Ryan, the product manager for the Reclaim at Samsung, said that by next year, touch-screen phones, with full Web browsers running the Android operating system will be available for well under $100.

via What’s Green, Made of Corn and Has Buttons? – Bits Blog –