
1.8 meg to your T-Mobile MDA Pro? Vapourwear, baby


Last year I bought myself one of those T-Mobile MDA Pro Windows Mobile 5.0 PDAs.  I did so for a number of reasons — the chief among them being my magpie-like tendancies toward anything new, shiny and potentially wickedly cool.

My back-up reason for buying the MDA Pro was a press release news story I read on some website somewhere — something like VNU or similar, which confidently announced that T-mobile would deliver 1.8mb to their handsets.  Their network was being upgraded in January (2006) and customers would shortly be communicating with each other at something near by the speed of light 😉

Or so the press release news story claimed.  Here we are almost in March and this sorry appears to have been total rubbish.  I should have WAITED until I could actually see 1.8mb devices WORKING on the T-mobile network before using that as a proper buying excuse.

Another lesson, eh?