
20 Questions with Stuart Brown of MediaBurst

We recently caught up with Stuart Brown of MediaBurst and asked if he’d like to answer one of our SMS Text News interview questionnaires. MediaBurst has a lot on the horizon so it was great of Stuart to take the time to answer our questions. Here’s what he had to say.

What was your first mobile? Make/Model/Network
My first phone was an NEC car phone in 1989, and I had to buy it myself as pagers were the only communications tool provided by my employer, and they were a telecoms business!

What was your first exposure to working with the mobile industry?
As MD of a PBX reseller we realised that mobile posed both a threat and an opportunity to the customer base we had carefully built over a number of years.

What do you think has been the one biggest technological advance that has revolutionized the mobile industry?

What is the one thing you wish someone would invent?
Remote control advance heating and cooling for cars

What’s next on the horizon for you and the team at Mediaburst?
We have recently won some significant mobile marketing campaigns with leading brands, we now need to develop the managed service offering to support more of the agency’s needs.

What is your current mobile strategy?
Our role is to provide handset agnostic solutions, brands need to reach consumers and not be limited by device.

If you could only have one mobile phone for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Tony Blair’s for the address book.

What was the last movie you saw? Worth it?
Racing Stripes, worth every second as it makes my kids laugh.

What mobile services can you not live without?
Voice calls

What is your current ringtone?
An original phone ring, keep it basic

Do you have any pets?
Only pet hates, of which I have too many

What company in the mobile industry has currently caught your eye?
It’s the diversity of this market that makes many companies catch my eye.

Most used feature on your handset?
The charging socket

What sites do you read regularly to keep up with the industry?
Depends on my mood and where the news is happening

What University/College did you go to? What did you take?
I didn’t . I started with 3M at the age of 18

What was your mobile bill last month? Do you think it’s a fair price to pay for your mobile service?
Over £ 100.00 thanks to roaming charges, which I think are unjustifiable

Complete this sentence. The iPhone is…

What’s your favourite type of music?
Again, mood dependant but I can’t believe our FD doesn’t know who Perry Como is.

Name 3 people you really admire.
My wife and 2 kids who give me the support and motivation to do the things I do.

What’s good and bad about the mobile industry?
The mobile has truly allowed the world to communicate but this can lead to those in a dominant position to abuse their power.

Thanks for answering our questions Stuart!