
24% of Apple iPhone users upgraded from a Motorola RAZR

JD Power have released a study of 20,000 mobile phone users in the States. It makes for interesting reading — and Arc Chart have the gossip here.

However Giff from i2SMS noted a key stat (in the same piece at Arc Chart, this time referencing a study by Rubicon Consulting):

24% — or, almost a quarter — of those surveyed who upgraded to an iPhone, did so from a stinky Motorola RAZR.

Now I don’t have exact stats — and I can’t be sure how representative the Rubicon Consulting study is. The important bit for me is the mind-blowing difference of experience that those RAZR users will have encountered.

I would have loved to have sat and watched the new iPhone user put his RAZR in a drawer in his desk and unpack his new device… and start surfing, Googling, texting, taking photos and so on.

I wonder just how many iPhone users, worldwide, are entirely new to the ‘smartphone’ experience? Fascinating.