
25,000 text requests to get seats for Oprah's Obama show

Been following the US election? You heard about Oprah’s stump speech for Obama? It was a big draw and it got lots of media attention. My interest is mobile, however. The mobile medium is generally being entirely, entirely overlooked. It’s such a fantastic method of connecting with huge amounts of people quickly, directly and reasonably personally.

So it’s nice to hear that the Obama campaign has been deploying the medium thus:

Link: Columbia, SC: Oprah’s appearance – a turning point for Obama?

The rally also showed Obama has a sophisticated organization. Harpootlian says 25,000 people sent text messages trying to get front-row seats. Now the Obama campaign has contact information for all those people

From what I can make out, if you wanted to get a ticket, you had to text. Nice.

(However having the mobile numbers of 25,000 people isn’t that useful if you don’t have permission to talk to them….)