
361 Degrees podcast - Episode 2 from Cannes

Ben Smith and Rafe Blandford on the beach in Cannes

Hello, hello and THRICE hello — Episode 2 of the world’s most connected mobile podcast has hit the airwaves. Indeed, if you had your podcast reader setup, you’d have got both episodes into your ears a few days ago. That’s right, this is a two-parter.

You can find out the background to 361 Degrees right here. Suffice to say, at 361 degrees, it’s guaranteed to be one better 😉

Right then, here we go…



Episode 2 covers the Connected Creativity event that took place in Cannes recently, where media makers and media buyers get together to trade TV content and discuss how it will be made and consumed in future. See some of our other coverage:

Some of the topics and companies mentioned in this podcast include:


Episode 2 is also available on Soundcloud – Part A and Part B.

There are lots of ways to follow the podcast on the subscription page.