
3 million - really, that's a lot right

Flippin’ ‘eck! I knew they were popular but this is getting silly. In fact, analysts are suggesting that Apple could have got its figures wrong and been slightly conservative in its belief in the iPhone. It is, estimated, to have shifted 3 million new iPhones in just over four weeks.

That’s a lot. In fact, that’s obscene.

Michael Cote of the Cote Collaborative has told CNN that Apple had seen “unprecedented demand” for the iconic doo-hickey.

Wall Street had previously expected a similar number for the first three months of availability.

Cote’s prediction is still way above many other’s but, with 1 million iPhone 3G handsets sold in its first weekend, he might be right.

Chuck in the extra countries and we might have stupid and un-imaginable figures on our hand – akin to those normally only seen in geological timescales.

Well done boys.