
3 shop closed due to unforeseen circumstances

I’ve been keeping an eye out for the Nokia N82 phone on 3UK ever since SMS Text News contributor, James Whatley, mentioned it was coming. There’s an upgrade due in August on my account (goodness knows why I’m keeping an eye out now, eh?) and I’m particularly interested to see how 3UK manage with the N82. I’m keen to see how they present it to the public.

So I deliberately crossed the road to pop in to the 3Uk shop on Oxford Street yesterday.

But it was closed.


Unusual. I suppose you have to have at least, what, 2 members of staff to run a mobile store? If all of’em were off sick, then, that would be unforeseen. Unusual.

The other 3 shops were open fine though. And no N82s in the window… 😉