
3GSM is dead.. long live Mobile World Congress

Link: 3GSM World Congress is no more –

OK so I know Ewan isn’t exactly the world’s greatest fan of mobile conference 3GSM, but saw this snippet of news and thought I’d rattle off a quick blog entry.

From February 2008, 3GSM is no longer. It’s now called.. wait for it.. Mobile World Congress. Wonder how much money they spent coming up with that change?

Apparently it went something like this. Originally, it was called GSM World. Then 3G was the latest ‘cool technology’, so they tagged that onto the front, and came up with 3GSM.

Now that 3G is not exactly today’s news, they’re sort of full circle, with ‘Mobile World Congress’. Incidently the 3GSM World Congress Asia will also change it’s name too, to the rather snappy ‘Mobile Asia Congress’.

Of course if they don’t allow bloggers in to future events then people like us will just have to wish we were there, staying in hotels that cost the earth, attending mind-numbingly boring corporate ‘parties’ and hob-nobbing with a bunch of people with expense accounts bigger than the GDP of quite a few African countries.