
3's E586 MiFi: Blown away by the ridiculously fast speed!


So as I wrote earlier, I’m waiting for my BT Infinity service to be connected tomorrow so I’m using my all new 3 E586 MiFi that I got last week. (Do read about the rather frustrating circumstances of that.)

I thought I’d do another post about the MiFi just to illustrate how good I’m finding it.

I’m sitting on the third floor of my property. There’s a full ‘H’ signal on the device. Data is screaming through it.

I have to upload a 170.41 megabyte video to Youtube. I was thinking of waiting until I got the fixed-line connection to upload, but then thought it would be worth a shot to see how painful the experience was. I had no doubt the MiFi could do it — it’s certainly possible — the issue is throughput.

I wasn’t expecting miracles.

But goodness me it’s rocking.

See that image above? That was just as we started. Youtube reckoned the upload would take about 17 minutes. That’s pretty accurate.

Here it is at 30 odd percent.

And now, almost half way through the 170mb upload:

Very, very impressive.