
3UK better when you force it to 3G

I met with Jonathan Jensen the other day to talk mobile and he was telling me that in his area, he’s getting a phenomenally better signal from 3UK when he forces his handset to only use 3G coverage. Here’s his blog post on the subject:

Sevendotzero: 3G coverage

Since setting my Nokia 3G handset on 3 to only use 3G coverage & not GSM I’ve had much better service. The handset used to spend its time switching between 3G & GSM when coverage was flaky. This seemed to be far from seamless. The result was that I regularly used to lose signal where the coverage was a bit flaky. 3 has disabled the ability to set the handset to GSM only (because they pay roaming fees to Orange, their GSM partner) but 3G only works fine for me.

Has anyone else found this?