
4 almost naked girls with iPorn all over their crotches - NSFW

Bet this one becomes the highest trafficked MIR post since I announced (for April Fool) that Google was buying Vodafone, right?

This is, depending on where you work, not very safe for work. Although you can use this valid excuse: Ewan from Mobile Industry Review (3.0, I’ll have you know) made me click.

That’s because it’s relevant to the business of mobile and mobile content.

Don’t scroll down yet. There are pictures.

iPorn formally launched last week on the first day of the Apple WWDC event on Monday.

I was busy doing proper work when this was all going on. I should, of course, have been documenting the iPorn team’s launch in super HD for your business benefit.

iPorn offers thousands of iPod Touch and iPhone formatted videos for the pleasure of the viewing public. Type it into your iPhone browser and you’ll be entertained for hours. For business purposes, only, of course. It’s a product of

Let’s get to some documentary evidence of the day.

Picture this. You’re virtually foaming at the mouth for news about the new iPhone. You’re queuing up outside the Moscone Conference Center. It’s a bit chilly.

Then a horse drawn carriage appears.

Let’s have a pic of that:

All well and good, right?

Note the ‘iPorn’ posters there in the background. I don’t think the horse is that impressed.

[ Insert various why-the-long-face horse jokes etc ]

All well’n good:

Imagine the minds of the hundreds of iPhone and Apple geeks, previously foaming at the mouth at the prospect of iPhone news, when the following ladies disembark from the coach:

What to do?

iPhone news or semi naked women?

Some couldn’t be swayed.

But this chap was certainly impressed enough to take a bit of time out to answer questions from the ladies:

This chap was all too ready to check out the camera function on his iPhone 3G. A high resolution Nokia handset would have taken a better picture.

There was no shortage of willing participants to join in the fun from the queue:

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant gorilla marketing.

AdultVest, the Hedge Fund that acquired iPorn last year, had this to say today:

On June 8, as thousands of people lined up around the Moscone West building in San Francisco waiting to enter on the opening day of Apple’s World Wide Developer’s Conference, five Bikini-clad iPorn girls paraded in and out of a horse-drawn carriage throwing mini footballs and t-shirts promoting the launch of the iPorn mobile web application for the iPhone. The non-tech promotion was a hit with the tech-centric crowd consisting primarily of male developers who were waiting to hear Apple’s keynote address and the announcement of the newest version of its popular iPhone, dubbed 3GS.

The captive audience, who waited over 2 hours on a chilly Monday morning before they could gain admittance to the venue, gave a very warm welcome to the iPorn Girls, taking pictures and posting them across the Internet. The launch caught the attention of the major media and Internet outlets covering the event and soon the iPorn story began to spread across America and beyond.

Registration on the iPorn mobile site has surpassed 36,000 members and is growing daily while its broadband website is drawing hundreds of thousands of unique visits a day.

So consider yourself informed.

(All photos from the iPorn NSFW image gallery)

If I’m brave enough, and they’re up for it, I’ll take the camera down to the iPorn headquarters for a Mobile Developer TV episode soon.