
4INFO launches local community-based SMS service

Link: 4INFO Mobile Search Blog: 4INFO   Mission Movers = Community-based SMS.

4INFO announced today a partnership with Mission Movers Group, a marketing innovation firm, to provide The Rainier Chamber with the first community controlled text messaging system.

This innovative use of an RSS feed and keyword control over SMS will allow community organizations, businesses, and service providers to distribute their content, programs, and promotions to residents within the community via mobile devices.

This community network allows the members of the Rainier Valley to
access valuable information that is constantly updated by members of
the community itself, such as tutoring services, sports scores,
coupons, merchant discounts, and more.

To view information for Rainier Valley, users simply text ‘rvp” and a
query, such as ‘rvp tutor” or ‘rvp meeting” to 4INFO (44636) on a cell
phone. Results are sent back immediately and free of charge.

An interesting development — I particularly like the concept of being able to query ultra-local and ultra-relevant information like this by mobile.