
4INFO updates again; offers content search and download

Picture_2_7I have a thing for software and services that update regularly.  I just like it.  I like to know that someone’s at home with the lights switched on. 

I like it when you click ‘check for updates’ on a piece of software and even though it’s only been two weeks, the system downloads another tweak.  EVEN if you don’t actually realise or see any difference to the service, it’s nice to know someone cares that much about it that they’re continually making updates.

In this vein, I got another note from Bob at 4INFO this morning.  They’ve done it again.  Another update! 

The headline upgrade is the mobile download feature.  You can now search for ringtones, games and wallpapers to download.  Smart.

Second, when you text in a zip code, you get the option to query four main areas: Sports, Weather, Movies and WIFI Hot Spots.

Plus, as per the above screenshot, they’ve now got it sexy.  i.e. You can try out their beta service straight from your browser.  I’ve never had the opportunity to try out 4INFO since it’s a US service, but their RAZR skinned search demo works rather well.