
Mobile Digg sites begin rivalry

Earlier this year Ricky posted a piece on, a Digg-esque site for mobile, where users can ‘create a free account and digg up or bury news stories, thereby affecting what shows up on the main page.’

According to the web ranking site Quantcast the site has begun to take off recently but it may have some competition on its hands in the form of Mobibu.

According to the site: “Mobibu is a user-powered news portal for the latest mobile phone, smartphone, palm, pocket pc and gadgets industry featuring mobile phone news, reviews, software, industry trends and opinion.”

The site’s owners also contacted us to highlight it commenting :

On this social content voting site, all news is submitted by its users. Most members are generally mobile phone bloggers. Any members can submit latest mobile phone related content to, and this will enable the content to be viewed by all. The content will be promoted or buried depending on how much it is liked by the community. The more votes the submission gets, the more popular it is. With enough votes, the piece of news will be showcased on the main page of

From what I can see the two sites do identical things but more thought has been put into the Mobibu design. There’s very little admin so both will probably take off to a reasonable extent. But, we’re still talking 10s – 100s of votes rather than the level on Digg which saw 1402 votes for April’s Firefox goes mobile story.