
A video tour of the new DropBox iPhone app

I’m a long time user of DropBox on my desktops and laptops — I have a about 35 gig stored on the service. DropBox gives me peace of mind — my local data is constantly backed up (with multiple and, if I like, unlimited versions), my data is synched ‘live’ with as many computers as I want — and I can share folders with friends, family and colleagues easily and without any trauma whatsoever.

They’ve launched an iPhone app. And I’ve made a little video walk-through showing you just how good it is.

To view the walk-through (in flash), just press play:

Embed in your site:

I missed the ‘.com’ off the end of the video — so the link you want is

You can get the DropBox app in the iTunes App Store (direct link) — and get yourself a free 2GB account at