
A Phone that measures CO2

Blue Telephony and CPS Group Italia have just announced that they are working together to produce phones that can sense and display the levels of CO2 in your vicinity.

If you remember, Blue Telephony are the people behind the Liscio.

I’m guessing that Blue Telephony will be producing the handsets with CPS providing some of the extra technology. The press release talks about “integrated sensor technologies” so it looks like CO2 emissions are just the first things that this new breed of devices will be able to ‘sense’.

This sounds really interesting and will be useful for people with asthma or if you’re worried about your kids breathing in the city smog. I suppose you could measure whether the levels are going up or down in your favourite locations – especially if it was linked to location based tagging. Other applications for the sensors could be tracking pollen levels for hayfever sufferers or even UV rays.

If the technology gets put into phones that look cool as well then it could be a winner.