
Acme Systems launches a linux powered SMS gateway

Link: Linux powers SMS appliance

Acme Systems has introduced a tiny Linux-based gateway that connects cellular SMS (simple message service) and TCP/IP networks.

The SMS FoxBox integrates a quad-band GSM modem, offers web, email (smtp/pop3), and mysql interfaces, and supports local message storage through removable flash storage.(Click for larger view of the FoxBox)FoxBox ports(Click to enlarge)According to Acme, applications for the FoxBox include:

Radio or TV shows with live interaction with the public, such as real-time SMS polls
Data processing for alarms and measure/control units
Sending and receiving SMS from a web site
Mass SMS message distributionServer control via SMS
SMS-based order processing systems.

This might be useful for anyone wanting to connect systems or subsystems to the mobile network. Very cool.