
Ad-funded recording studio on your phone

So it looks like yet another form of mobile advertising is hitting the streets. This time the ad is played ahead of you singing your next Number 1 hit down your phone and having the clever guys and gals at record it for you.

The application is called MyVox and it is being launched with the “Grammy award winning artist Christopher ‘Ludacris’ Bridges”.

I’ve never heard of Ludacris, but that is probably more a sign of my age than his fame. So this looks like a good thing for the mobile world – a star getting involved and promoting a clever app and potentially increased usage of the phone and the mobile platform. The support of big names in the entertainment industry will certainly help to make US teens in particular adopt new apps like

Ad-funded is certainly the model that is being adopted by almost every new app to be launched and there’s a lot of merit in that – why get the consumers to pay and have a relatively small audience; instead get the advertisers to pay and have a huge audience because it’s free – everyone’s a winner. The company providing the ads this time round in VoodooVox.

Personally I’m not sure how well this will take off in the UK, but I’m happy to download the first real track that is recorded this way. Who knows a good MySpace campaign, maybe promotion through Blyk and could have a Number 1.