
Added Disqus to SMS Text News

Over the past few months a lot of people have emailed me about the comments system on SMS Text News. The main issue has been the system’s simplicity. While it certainly works, it’s rather difficult to follow and discussion is a bit of an arse if you really want to get into the meat of an argument.

Recently we added the ability to ‘subscribe’ to get updates when someone replies to a comment stream. Nice, but it hasn’t materially changed things.

Enter Disqus. You might have come across it already, you might even be a member. It’s a comments/forum system that you plug into your site.

We’ve added it today, temporarily — as a trial — to see how it works out. It does require you to quickly register but once you’re done, it remembers who you are and offers quite a lot of nifty features.

Check it out. Try replying to this post and see what you think?

UPDATE: All previous comments, although not displayed at the moment, haven’t been lost. They’re just hidden whilst we try Disqus. I recognise this is a bit of an arse but I’m hoping that the ease of use with Disqus might outweigh this annoyance.

Also: If you’re registered, your comments go live right-away. No need for me to vet them since ‘we know who you are’ and can easily disable naughty people from posting.