
AdMob: Payment sent!

There is something ever so exciting about getting an AdMob Payment notification email.

We’ve had AdMob advertising on SMS Text News Mobile for quite a while and it routinely generates maybe $70-$80 a month. Certainly not enough to fund an Unlimited Drinks event in London, but you know, it works, this mobile advertising thing.

If you’re one of the mobile readers clicking now and again on little adverts that appeal, good-on-ya. I have to confess I’ve clicked once or twice. Not, I hasten to add, in a bid to drive up revenue. Not at all. More out of curiosity because the advertising is actually working on me.

I particularly like to see ads that are targeted to the browser or mobile handset that I’m using at the time, (e.g. “Get ringtones and themes for your iPhone/Nokia”). I’ve been a customer of that service a few times as a result.