
AdMob's iPhone traffic static; Sony gobbles up UK

Vijay, on behalf of mobile ad networking geniuses, AdMob, whacked me over these summary points from their February metrics report. The AdMob metrics reports are most definitely becoming essential reading for anyone wanting to track real mobile usage. It’s all very well reading those annual and semi annual research reports, but I want to know what’s going on now-ish.

So here are Vijay’s summary points:

1. iPhone traffic was flat in February. This may be due to the ‘novelty’ factor of people getting iPhones as holiday gifts around December/January, the spirit apparently didn’t grow in February.

Hmm. I wonder if that’s accurate? It does make some sense. If you bought an iPhone around Christmas, one would imagine that you’re continuing to use it as normal. Ergo ‘flat’ stats.

2. Blackberry and Nokia have been fighting out in the Smartphone world as top handset makers to access mobile ads via AdMob. Their rank on the network varies from country to country (see below). Even SonyEriccson wins the battle in specific markets like the UK. This means that basically the Smartphone race is being won differently region by region.

Good news for Sony Ericsson — their handsets accounted for 37% of all ad requests.

3. AdMob continues to add new data points for analysis since launching the metrics consistently since last November. There are more things to compare across regions, handsets and behavior, potentially leading to something new from a product side coming soon…

The moment I saw the first AdMob metrics report last year, I thought they should product-ise it. I look forward to seeing what the offer. AdMob is by no means definitive — you obviously have to be accessing mobile sites containing AdMob spots in order to be tracked, and not all sites feature this, but it’s a good ready reckoner.

You can get the AdMob report free — for the moment, anyway — here: