
Advertise your services on Mobile Industry Review (free)

I’ve launched a new ‘Services Directory‘ section on Mobile Industry Review. The concept is to try and help readers do more business with each other.

Take a look at Patrick Smith’s entry, PR In A Box — he’s offering a highly convenient and very effectively priced PR package that may well be relevant for a lot of startups.

I’d like to build a decent directory of services and perhaps one or two special offers (like Patrick’s) geared toward the MIR audience.

Indeed if you’d like to send me some special offers for new customers — you know the kind — 25% off your first order or something like that — then I’ll do a post about that.

It does, strangely, work.

For instance, the chaps who emailed me on Monday looking for UK premium rate services have, I gather, done their deal already. I put the post up at 1030pm on Monday. They had about 10 enquiries from companies wanting to do business by about 2pm on Tuesday.

Right now I bet there’s a few people reading this who’ll be interested in Patrick’s PR services. Similarly, I’m willing to bet that there’s a few companies interested in buying your services too. Just.. they don’t know about them. I’d like to try and change that.

So drop me a note with some details: Or get me on IM (details here).

(There’s no cost, by the way — but if you get a referral from us here at MIR, remember us with a donation or a bit of sponsorship. Or a free midnight blue Bentley Continental GT. Something like that.)