
Advertise on Mobile Industry Review

Mobile Industry Review is one of the mobile industry’s most influential blogs, tracking news and delivering informed opinion on a daily basis.

Launched in January 2006, the site has niche appeal, attracting mobile industry analysts, executives, operators, equipment manufacturers, angel/VC investors, entrepreneurs and mobile geeks. In addition, the site is monitored continually by mainstream media and other influential bloggers.

The site feed is fully available on the web and as a result, it is republished and streamed by hundreds of other websites and mobile related services, including a huge array of company intranets. Therefore, an accurate reader statistic is extremely difficult to calculate — a rough guestimate puts the Mobile Industry Review monthly audience at a multiple of our unique hosts.

We guestimate our audience in excess of 250,000 visitors per month.

We work directly with our advertisers — so we’d be delighted to discuss how we can work together. Please email our Operations Manager, Emma.  She’s for more information.

On-Site Advertising Rates
Your advertisement/banner on the right-hand side of every page on the site:
– £1,000 per month, based on a minimum purchase of 3 months

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  • A great way of grabbing attention and ensuring your point of view is heard
  • All posts must be between 400-500 words
  • Posts appear on site permanently and are included in the site’s RSS feed and daily newsletter
  • Posts may contain one hyperlink to your site of choice (additional links, e.g. Whitepaper download link, by agreement)
  • You may supply the copy or we will write it for you (including one revision)
  • £250 per post

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