
Ah, welcome back BlackBerry Bold!

I’ve had my BlackBerry Bold relaxing for the last few days whilst I have been traveling from place to place. I’m doing my best to avoid rewarding my operator(s) for offering really poor data roaming rates by refusing, where possible, to use them.

I’ve therefore managed to avoid using the Bold for a few days whilst I’ve actually been using my laptop more. You know how it is at conferences.

Back on the Bold this evening I had to breathe a mental sigh of relief. Welcome back! Oh how I missed the super-fast messaging capabilities of the Bold (and the BlackBerry platform).

I grabbed the Bold just now and rattled through about five Direct Messages in about 10 seconds. I can type *fast* on a Bold.

The device is connected through WiFi via the MacBook Air. My Air is running on the hotel connection, sharing it’s data connection wirelessly. So I don’t need to use AT&T or T-Mobile here at excruciating roaming rates.

The other super thing? Well, the moment you pick up WiFi the BlackBerry Services route everything intelligently through that. So my email is right there too. I’ve just been flying through that too.

The Google Talk integration, Twitter, Facebook plus email… Yup I still do like the BlackBerry experience!

[Authored on the Bold using the native WordPress app]