
Ahh.. if I could just get Netflix on my iPhone!

One big story today is that Netflix added ABC content to its streaming service (it actually did this a couple days ago when episodes of Lost started appearing). But there’s a potentially hotter Netflix streaming rumor floating around out there right now: That it’s coming to the iPhone.

via Rumor: Netflix Streaming Coming To The iPhone (TechCrunch).

I’m particularly interested in this personally because when I’m on the train or traveling, I like to use my iPhone as an entertainment device.  It is a total arse when I’ve run out of new episodes to watch.  I can’t easily buy them from the iTunes Music Store.

I often find myself with good WiFi support but that’s not much use if I can’t access the content I want.  So I’d very much like to see some kind of Netflix style streaming service for the iPhone.

Or some kind of advanced BBC iPlayer that works internationally.

I think we’ll get there, soon.

Although I’d like to believe this rumour, I certainly recognise that Netflix might have their App thrown, unceremoniously, from the pile by Apple before it even reaches the store.

What do you do for entertainment with your various devices when you’re out and about?