
All About Maemo goes live - put it in your feeds!

Mr Rafe Blandford is the man behind the behemoth that is All About Symbian.

In recent weeks he and his team of geniuses have been putting the finishing touches to his all new site: All About Maemo.

Maemo, of course, is the next generation linux-based operating system that’s got a lot of people hot under the collar with excitement — me included.

I am thus delighted to see that Rafe is expanding his empire to include this new platform.

Rafe’s published an introductory post which I strongly recommend taking a look at.

I also recommend adding the site to your RSS reader of choice (the RSS link is clearly marked on the frontpage). If you’re more into Twitter these days, follow @allaboutmaemo.

Good luck and every success with the site, Rafe!