
All change at Everything Everywhere as Olaf Swantee arrives

Here’s the full release from Everything Everywhere regarding the changes at the top. If you recall, previous CEO Tom Alexander has exited stage right and Olaf Swantee arrives into the CEO position:

Everything Everywhere, the UK’s leading communications company, has announced its new management team with ten executives reporting to Chief Executive Officer Olaf Swantee as he today transitions from non-executive board member to his new role leading the business.

In announcing his new leadership team – a commitment he made at the time his appointment was announced in July – he has appointed from within the existing team and is also introducing some new faces from outside the company. This team will support Swantee as the company transitions from integration to delivery.

Olaf Swantee, CEO of Everything Everywhere, said: “The leadership team I’m announcing today draws from the existing talent within Everything Everywhere as well as bringing in some new faces with broad-ranging, international expertise. The structure of the team is function oriented with clear accountability so we can accelerate the execution of our key plans and priorities. I am committed to the established business goals and financial targets – as well as to running a responsible and sustainable business.”

The new leadership team is comprised of:
– Pippa Dunn, Chief Marketing Officer – Consumer
– Gerry McQuade, Chief Marketing Officer – Non-Consumer Mobile (and Acting Chief Sales Officer through the end of 2011)
– Ralf Brandmeier, Chief Performance Officer
– Marc Allera, Chief Sales Officer (starting Q1 2012)
– Jackie O’Leary, Chief Customer Officer
– Steven Day, Chief of Brand & Communications
– Francoise Clemes, Chief of HR
– Stephen Harris, Chief of Staff
– Neal Milsom, Chief Financial Officer
– Fotis Karonis, Acting Chief Technology Officer

Some executives from the previous executive management team have made the decision to leave the organisation including Richard Moat, CFO and Deputy CEO; Andrew Ralston, Chief Commercial Officer; Ian Pitcher, VP of HR; Nicolas Ott, VP of Strategy, Regulation and Planning; as well as Neil Macgeorge, VP of Trading and Linda Kennedy, Chief Change Officer, both of whom will be leaving the business but have agreed to return as consultants throughout the rest of the year in order to ensure a smooth transition for the organisation.

Tim Höttges, Chairman of the Everything Everywhere board and CFO of Deutsche Telekom, and Gervais Pellissier, member of the Everything Everywhere board and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Finance of France Telecom issued a joint statement:

“We would like to congratulate Olaf on his new appointment and wish him and his new management team all the best of success for the future. At the same time we would also like to thank Richard Moat for the role that he played as CFO and deputy CEO for Everything Everywhere. Richard was a highly valued member of the former management team and was instrumental in ensuring a rapid integration between Orange and T-Mobile, as well as reaching synergy savings ahead of time. We wish him all the best for the future.”

It’s nice to see Marc Allera take on his new role. I last interviewed him properly back in 2007 (!) when he was Director of Sales at 3UK. Nice one Marc 🙂