
All is revealed! Hands on with the new Nokia N8

Well then, the all new Nokia N8 has been revealed this morning. We had a brief introduction from the product manager and then — tah dah — we were each handed our own N8 prototype to play with. The hardware is more or less decided but the software is still under development. Here are some initial reactions:

The device is simply fantastic. It’s fast, very fast. The two processors (it’s got a dedicated graphics accelerator) really help it motor along. You can see this best when you hit the photo gallery — the 12 megapixel images scroll by so beautifully. Not a hint of a jitter or pause. The capacitive screen is a delight to use and the applications on the device are surprisingly snappy. I am particularly impressed by the Symbian3 true multitasking facilities. I like it’s speed and convenience. I had 7 large applications running properly (not some Fisher-Price-wannabe multitasking — I’m looking at you, iPhone 4.0) without the device breaking a sweat. And the camera. Goodness me it’s phenomenal. You really can see the 12 megapixel difference. Plus, when you plug it into a 50″ flat screen HD television, it’s knife-sharp. Video played through the phone’s hdmi-out port is ridiculously phenomenal. I’ve taken lots of video and photos so standby for more details.

Posted via email from MIR Live