
Alleged shocking insight into working in a SpinVox call centre

I was having a read of the comments on one of the original SpinVox Debacle posts over at PaidContent when I came across one authored by ‘ex spinvox 2’.

I won’t reproduce it here in full but if it’s any way near being accurate, it’s simply shocking.

Trouble is, since we’re hearing nothing from SpinVox to refute or rebut these statements, it’s difficult to know what to think.

The commenter alleges that SpinVox’s employment of call centre agents represented, “exploitation [that] was/is borderline slave labour”. The commenter further alleges that agents would earn, “£3 for every hour and this could end up being as little as £0.00 for the hour if SpinVox’s quality scorers interpreted the message differently to the agent.”

The main thrust of the argument alleges that, in order to garner fiscal efficiencies (in favour of SpinVox), the SpinVox quality control team in Donegal, Ireland, would set extremely high quality standards, impossible to meet, thereby ensuring agents were never compensated over and above their basic rate.

Have a read the full comment and see what you think. Hit the link above and do a text search for ‘ex spinvox 2‘ to find it.

There’s some particularly illuminating statistics toward the end. The poster ends by suggesting that, if you really want to see how allegedly bad things are, working for SpinVox, visit their Philippines call centre.

I trust someone from the mainstream media will pay a visit.