-- Hi to everyone who sent voicemails!
After the post about I had a flurry of voicemails sent in by people from all around the world. Thank you all so much. I would say hi to you all personally, although hardly anyone left their names!
Apart, that is, from Sean from Virginia! So Sean, hi! 😀
Quite a few people asked how the service made it’s money — I’ve a post on that coming soon.
The audio quality of all the messages was excellent, I trust you all found it good and easy to use?
If you’re in the US and you’d like to test out, here we go:
1. Dial 712-858-8094. That’s their access number and it should be free on most calling plans that allow free long distance.
2. Listen to the instructions (first in Spanish, then English)
3. Dial 011  that’s your international access code, followed by the full international phone number of the person you wish to call. So, if you wanted to call me, you’d dial 011 44 20 8133 0929.
4. Speak. No charge.
… oh and let me know who you are so I can say hi!