
AlphaRooms demands beach ban on Blackberries

20 million Brits — that is, if you scale up the survey by Hotel booking service, AlphaRooms, reckon it’s necessary to take their work on holiday with them.

Link: SourceWire | Press Releases – 20 Million Brits Take Work on Holiday

Two thirds of those questioned by the online travel company admitted to having their holidays interrupted by work, while 80 per cent said they worried about their work while they were abroad.

The survey also found that a third of people take their laptops or Blackberries on holiday, while three-quarters have made or taken a work telephone call while on holiday and 60 per cent have sent a work-related email.

The shocking statistics are proof that today’s technological age means that people are constantly contactable by work, whether it be by mobile, laptop or Blackberry. is now calling for Blackberries and laptops to be banned from the beach and for a return to holidays being an escape from the trappings of work pressures and day to day stress.

I can switch off if I need to. But then again, it’s nice to be able to check in on the email to make sure everything is ok. THEN I can relax properly.