
Amazon's AWS re:Invent -- the company's first global customer/partner conference


This is just a quickie about Amazon’s recently announced re:Invent customer and partner conference. It’s coming up on the 27th of November this year and it’s being held at the rather swish Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. 

For the most part Amazon has been of passing interest here at Mobile Industry Review (apart from the obvious front-end consumer elements — of which I’m a huge, huge fan and big customer). However as the company continues to move into mobile in a rather dramatic manner, I thought you should be aware of the event and perhaps even consider going along. 

If the rumours are true about Amazon producing up to six new Kindle (Fire?) models and the ever-present possibility of an Amazon Smartphone, then I think this event might well shoot to the top of the list for many readers. 

As it stands the re:Invent conference has a strong mobile component based around the use of Amazon’s Web Services to help support and scale mobile apps. For instance, this session looks rather interesting:

Zero to Mobile App in 60 minutes: Learn how to build a million user-ready mobile app on AWS from scratch in one hour

A full conference pass is $1,099 and they’ve got rooms at The Venetian at a very reasonable $159/night at the moment. 

Full information is over at