
An American view on the N95

Had an email in from Giff at i2SMS in Atlanta, ranting about the Nokia N95. Here’s what he had to say..

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I was at a tech event last evening and a chap from Finland was there showing off his N95.  Wicked is the one word that came to my mind. It isn’t available as of yet in the States, but they are bringing it over by demand and plan on selling it outside of the carriers.  They hear the price is $749.00.

 They had downloaded a widget that had a fantastic UI for RSS feeds, it worked purdy darn good just off of the Edge network, and had multiple cool features, all easy to navigate and understand.  I would wonder, given the choice between the N95 and the iPhone, just how many, who compare the two side by side, would actually pick the iPhone?

This phone was slick!
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Thanks Giff!