
Android user? Stop everything and get Touchnote to send real postcards free 'til the end of August

Right then if you’re an Android user, I strongly recommend you get hold of Touchnote. For this month only, smartphone giant Samsung are sponsoring the service, meaning that every postcard you send will be free.

I know there are a lot of readers who really like the Touchnote concept (i.e. sending a photo from your phone as a real physical postcard) but haven’t actually tried it out. Now’s your chance.

Here’s founder Raam with the details:

In today’s world of sharing photos digitally on Facebook and email, it is easy to forget how special it is to receive something in the post. A real postcard adds a personal touch and can really make someone’s day. Touchnote is based on the philosophy that certain moments should live forever and this summer in London will undoubtedly be filled with incredible moments. We’re delighted that Samsung is giving everyone the opportunity to make their memories permanent, wherever they are, simply by getting online or using their smartphone. We’ve also worked hard to optimise the Touchnote experience for the Samsung GALAXY Note so users can experience more such as hand-writing in various colours and different pen functions to fully express their emotions.

To get started? Head over to the Google Play store and download the Touchnote app.

Or, visit this stand-alone website:

Great news Touchnote. Nice move Samsung.

If you’re using iPhone (like I tend to be)… tough. 😉