
Android: "A tart and thick as two short planks"

If you caught my newsletter this weekend you’ll have seen that, after Mobile World Congress, I’m reasonably excited at the possibility of a resurrection from Nokia in the form of an array of exciting devices and services. That’s not to confuse Nokia with not delivering — they’re still making a ton of money, especially from all those millions of handsets — but in the Western markets, they’ve garnered an increasingly bad reputation as makers of boring handsets often featuring buggy software that’s ridiculously difficult to update.

Whilst it’s all too easy to have a dalliance with — or even swap wholesale to — some of those swanky Apple, HTC or Motorola Android devices, there is still a heckuvalot of love in the room for Nokia.

Here’s an example of that kind of love from one reader who replied to the newsletter:

Thank you Ewan,

I am one of those converts to Android from Nokia… and I am longing to go back.

It feels like I’ve left the wife to go off with a blowsy tart, and now I am just realising that she is as thick as two short planks…



Are you feeling dirty grasping your Android device close to your bosom? Are you, too, waiting for a gorgeous Nokia device to shine above the Fisher Price style Android devices out there? Or have you moved on?

Note: For the North Americans reading, who might not be familiar with the vernacular definition of ‘tart’, here we go: A tart is, ‘A woman considered to be sexually promiscuous’. Or as Terry Pratchett would say, ‘A woman of negotiable affection.’