
Android v2 release Q2 2009

Should Google have released Android in its current version? Though they’ve been criticised for releasing it with bugs and it not being ready for users, it’s competing with the iPhone which probably had as much to do with the release than anything else.

Android v2 is expected to be released in 2009 and Samsung are going to have a phone available in the US in Q2 (available through Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile so likely to be a CDMA variant). Samsung have 80 developers in their Android team.

T-Mobile are also likely to launch the G2 (which will also have Android v2), they’re saying in Jan but it’s being reported that it will also be in Q2. The G2 is being reported to have WiFi, a 5MP autofocus camera and a full touch-screen.

Version 2 (which seems to be coming out of Google own private branch of the code – again annoying open source developers) will contain bug fixes as well as a new 2.6.27 kernel. It will also have some basic x86 support which should lead to support for Intel’s Atom processor.