
Apalon's iCover App puts your photos on fake magazine cover pages

I had a note in from Peter Melnikov of leading iPhone developer, Apalon, to tell me about one of their latest creations. (Apalon are the chaps who had a hand in the likes of iGirl and Sparta — more on the Apalon site).

Peter’s new app really caught my attention. It’s called iCover and it enables you to take any photo — ideally a slightly (or hugely) embarrassing photo of your friend — and turn it into a magazine front cover.

Here’s a sample — this chap is, alas, lucky enough to appear on the front cover of Lamer Magazine!

Hours of fun!

You can customise the text around your chosen frontpage just in case you feel you really need to nail your friend’s ego into the floor.

And once you’re finished with your work, you can — predictably — email the results. Ideally, to everyone in your address book, of course.

iCover is free of charge — you can pick it up from iTunes here.

I wonder if the Apalon guys should consider taking it one step further? I reckon the Touchnote Mobile team would be up for integrating their API into iCover — that would mean not only could you send the result by email, but, via Touchnote, you could send a physical greetings card of the output through the postal system. Could be a useful method of monetising the iCover app.

Anyway, nice work Peter and the team at Apalon!