
Apple iPhone DOES run OS X; developers don't get access ... yet

Link: Apple Demos Leopard Before iPhone Debut — OS X Leopard iPhone — InformationWeek

Developers hoping to score a free iPhone at the show were disappointed to learn that Apple’s strategy for third-party software on the smartphone will be based mainly on Apple’s Safari Web Browser and not so much on its native operating system, which Apple still says is a full-running version of Mac OS X, minus some of the larger applications.

Jobs explained that this approach would allow for improved Web 2.0 and Ajax software to be built for the iPhone without the need for a software development kit (SDK) and without having to worry about broken upgrades or heavy distribution. Several developers expressed disappointment after the keynote that Apple was not allowing for more casual development to occur at the OS level

So the Apple iPhone development strategy is Web 2.0/Ajax and not application based? Fair point, fair point… bit of a shame. I really wanted to see a ton of developers making applications. Still, web is ok…