
Apple's iPad Mini pricing strategy... what do you reckon?

Brian over at Gizmodo has been giving a lot of thought to Apple’s pricing strategy for the upcoming iPad Mini. Even though it’s still unofficial, the pricing issue is one that’s keeping a lot of people in the industry up at night. Or, at least, continually challenged.

How Apple prices the iPad Mini matters beyond just the number of units it sells. If its less than $300, CEO Tim Cook has keyed into the threat that Amazon and Google pose to its handheld computing empire. And hell crush them. If not? Then its another sign—along with Maps, along with that $30 dock connector adapter—that the old Apple hubris might be sneaking back in. The kind that dominated back when Apple was cool and niche, not the most successful business in the world.

via The Single Biggest Question About the iPad Mini.

What’s your view? I think Brian makes some good points about the $100 difference across the ranges; however I wonder if we’ll see the entry-level Mini tablets priced to compete directly with those of Amazon and Google. Surely the Kindle/Nexus competition can’t be ignored?