
Apple's $99 iPhone for the Wal-Mart market

Connie Guglielmo over at Bloomberg reports that Wal-Mart will start selling two Apple iPhone models this Christmas.

There is speculation from analysts that Apple will offer a (previously discontinued) 4GB iPhone version via Wal-Mart.



It’s been on the cards.

This is the next step for Apple. Begin to dominate the market. Get more folk using the device. You’ve got the first-movers and the ‘ooooh let’s have an iPhone’ people, now begin to attract the next segments and start to eat the lunches of the other less innovative manufacturers.

A $99 iPhone will get attention. The arse is the AT&T service contract that has to come with it. That’s still putting off a lot of folk — they simply can’t or won’t afford to spent so much.

The real kicker will be when you can buy an iPhone Mini or similar for $99 outright, Pay As You Go.