
Apps designed to bring people together

In this modern day and age, there are some who assert that technology has made us less connected to others as we are always in front of a screen and thus unable to appreciate experiences as we live through them. However, technology has also done a good job at bringing people closer together in other ways. With an app for almost anything you can think of, there are some great apps that really help to connect people in a fun and meaningful manner. Today we will review some of them that are doing a fantastic job at bringing people together.

fabFabulous Bingo
Many people think of Bingo only as a game played by the older generation –but this is not at all the case. With online Bingo now available through apps like Fabulous Bingo, you can now play this simple and fun game wherever you are. Traditionally, Bingo is played with a large group of people in a big hall; while each individual plays alone and not in a team, is it very much a social environment. Online Bingo aims to recreate that atmosphere, and they are able to do just that. As the Bingo games are happening in real time, players are given the opportunity to use the app’s chat feature in order to chat to others and make some friends through their shared love of the game of Bingo.

mmd-front-page1Meet my Dog
This app, Meet my Dog, is like Tinder… but for dog owners! This app allows you to meet other dog owners and their lovely fur-babies! Your profile allows you to describe both you and your dog, so other people can get a better idea of who you both are. This is a really great tool for making new friends who are also animal lovers, as well as being able to meet up at dog parks with your dogs!


CLIQ is an app that allow you and your friends to meet other groups of friends and do fun things together. You can match with other groups of friends based on interests that you choose when log in. The app also suggests cool places for you to go and activities to do in the area based on these interests, which is a really great feature to include. Expanding your friends group can often be difficult, and it can also be a more casual and organic way to meet people with the potential of
romance emerging in the long term.


How many people do not actually know their neighbours? You could have a potential best friend living just a few houses away, and you may not know it! Nextdoor is an ingenious app that helps you break out of the awkwardness of introducing yourself to those in the area. It is great to have a local support network in the neighbourhood and Nextdoor does a fantastic job of bringing people who live nearby together to get to know each other better.