
Are you going to the Open Mobile Summit?

The Open Mobile Summit is taking place on the 4-5th November in San Francisco. And it looks to be a good one. The keynote speaker line-up is going to be really, really interesting. They’ve got Vint Cerf (father of the internet and now at Google), John Donovan, CTO, AT&T, Michael Abbott of Palm, Cole Brodman, CTO of TMO, David Perlmutter, top mobile man at Intel, Kevin Lunch, CTO of Adobe and Dr Jan Uddenfeldt, SVP at Ericsson.

The full line-up of speakers is here.

A special MIR hello to these speakers: –

Frank Meehan, CEO of INQ Mobile
Ilja Laurs, Founder & CEO of GetJar
James Tagg of Truphone
Rich Wong of Accel Partners (we love you Rich)
Christian Lindholm, Managing Partner of Fjord
Russell Buckley, VP Admob and MobHappy dude
Fabrizio Capobianco, CEO Funambol
… and of course, Lee Williams of the Symbian Foundation

I for one would like to know what these chaps have to say about the state of the mobile industry. I don’t think I’ll be able to be there myself — which is why we’re sending our-man-in-SFO, Michael, to find out. Thank you to the organisers for allowing this.

It’s a two day conference and tickets are $1,495 — and the event is being held at the ultra convenient San Fancisco Marriott Union Square. There are some discount rooms available — details of which will be sent upon registration. Get in quick. The networking alone should be fantastic.

The address you need: