
Are Cellphones Replacing Landlines? DUH!

I’ve had this article on InformationWeek starred in my Google Reader for a while now, and wanted to post some commentary on it. I absolutely *hate* when people ask this question. “Are cellphones replacing landlines?” Um, yes, of course.

I mean, seriously, is this even still a valid question? I’ve not had a landline number since I moved out of my parents’ house. Even then, none of my friends had that number. I’ve used my cellphone exclusively since I got it. That’s *why* I got it, isn’t it?

The article goes on to list the reasons why cellphones are more popular than landlines and such.

I’d like to pose this question: Other than pure laziness in cancelling it, or the fact that your DSL provider requires it, how many SMStextnews readers even HAVE a landline anymore? Do you actually USE it?

The question then becomes, why in the heck are we paying so much for our mobiles? Why will $40 in the U.S. only get you ~450 minutes in the daytime, albeit with unlimited nights and weekends on your mobile, when you can get unlimited landline service for $20-30?