
Are you depreciating? You need NextWorth!

Can you hear that gentle whine in the background? That’s the sound of your mobile handset collection depreciating.

NextWorth can help. They’ve launched a service for North America that will recycle your aging handsets and give you a wad of cash in return (in the form of Amazon vouchers – other leading retailers are supported).

Over in Europe, the recycling marketing has grown rather quickly. There are quite a lot of providers offering services and there’s a lot of market-fronts (for example a lot of charities have started encouraging people to donate their used handsets). I remember when it was just emerging — I was staggered someone would pay me a decent amount of cash for my old rusting devices.

If you’re a lucky owner of the Nokia N95 8GB you can drop that over to NextWorth (free postage) and you’ll get $88 back.

Keep NextWorth in mind if you’re in the States and you’re planning a handset clear-out.