
Arts on Mobile Industry Review: The MWC Poem

After we published the Palm Poem (“Palm — you’ve really blown it…”) last month, I had a note in from another reader who wanted to contribute a verse or two.

Here it is:

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Minute Moment for Mobile

Platform most agile and ground most fertile,
As are the rich flood plains of the sacred River Nile.
Once here did quill and papyrus quench our thirst,
Now we are never far away from another world first.

Here the hero mobile, sits on its lofty throne,
And here our annual Euro jaunt to praise the nomad phone.
Thousands amass in a state of total and utter enthral,
Spread far and wide across seven magnificent halls.

Widgets to Apps to the latest wireless device,
We are slaves to new trends, this our one key vice.
To let loose many means of instant communication,
Pushing forward Mercury’s modern manifestation.

Are you Symbian simian? or an app store bore?
Do you want slick UI’s or like your APIs raw?
You’ll find it all here, all under these roofs,
Manufacturer’s mansions next Content sellers booths.

So here’s to a fresh round of Catalonian Dreams,
To untapped markets and improved revenue streams.
We must toil the land with utmost care and dedication,
Leaving behind us the well scattered seeds of Innovation.

Backing us and forging a true sense of who we are,
The sages! our true-say shepherds from the MIR.
Where to? What next? if you can tell, off comes my hat,
See into the future? Well, soon there’ll be an app for that.

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Congratulations to the author, Mr Ben Lethbridge, Business Development Manager at MX Telecom. Who’d have thought the mobile industry contained such talent?

I really enjoyed it, Ben, fantastic work!

If you too would like to send in a contribution for ‘Arts on Mobile Industry Review‘, send me a note.