
Arts on Mobile Industry Review: The Palm Poem

For all those who might think the mobile industry is limited in imagination, I am delighted to publish the very first (and, unless there are any other budding artists reading, probably the last) poem about the mobile industry.

This has been sent in by a reader who wishe to remain anonymous.

Palm – you’ve really blown it
You’ve really stuffed the goose
Your widget launch in Ireland
Is the knotting in your noose 

Fear not though dear Palm, my son
Do not fret for fudging up
For Google might just buy you
And treat you as its pup

For Ireland is the place you see
Where all these firms now go
To pay less tax and hire new staff
Of English tongue they know 

Apple’s seed is spreaden now
Into the farrest field
But never fear, oh Palm my son
You might just strike a deal 

Coffee to smell, you have a lot
But not all of it you must
Find developers who want a taste
And in them put your trust

Thank you to the anonymous Mobile Wordsworth for sending this in. Fantastic!

Posted via email from MIR Live